Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015 - Remiss

I have been terribly remiss, not having written about my adventures in some time.

Spring has worn on, the early chirps of the spring peepers have turned into the incessant din of all God's creatures vying for attention.  Hold on, I misspoke, we still have the cicada's to look forward to.

In any case, the primary reason I've been so terribly remiss is my involvement in a local theater (or theatre) production of a children's play, which has consumed a not insignificant amount of time.  And the remainder of the time, I've either been fishing, asleep, at work, or eating, trying to satisfy a whacked out version of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

But what do you care?  You're here to see pictures of nature subdued, of fish suspended in midair by their mouths.  And I don't disappoint!

Of note lately are the swallows:

 I don't know whether they are barn swallows or tree swallows; I've seen some sitting in trees but maybe if there was a barn at the waters edge they'd preferentially sit on that, so I wouldn't say that my identification is definite.

But I've been catching a few fish, although it's been slow.  Caught 2 crappies on yellow curly tail, retrieved slow this past Sunday:

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