Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 9 2014 - Mountain Run Lake

Went over to Mountain Run Lake, put in around 4:30, fished around the lake using a small spinner and a small orange popper.  If you measure fishing success by the smell of your hands, it was a successful day, with a lot of fish, although most were pretty small.  Air temp was 82, water temp was 83.  Sky was partly cloudy, and there was a slight breeze.

Saw lots of reptiles today.  Brown water snake, some painted turtles, and a snapping turtle that I didn't get a picture of.

Most of the bass were fairly small, between 6 and 8 inches

This was the only decent size fish I caught, he was 12 inches:

Caught another redbreast sunfish, who wasn't as deformed and weird looking as his brother.

They appear to be spawning, I saw what looked like beds:

Lousy picture of a snowy egret to round out the day.

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