Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2, 2014 - Rappahannock River

Went over to Fredericksburg, and waded in the Rappahannock, getting in at the access at Motts Run.

The character of the river right at the access is sandy, with some depth towards the middle.  There is what appears to be some sort of algae growing on the bottom.

I fished with small poppers and had several strikes, presumably from small sunfish, but didn't get any fish on the line.

After fishing up to the end of the pool that you encounter when you put in, I concluded it was getting dicey to keep the camera on me, so I returned to the car.

After leaving the camera in the car, I caught an 8" smallmouth and that was it.

I hadn't been wading in a while, and it was pleasant to slosh around in the water.  However, I found myself missing the convenience of being in the canoe, where I wouldn't have been limited to one rod and one small box of popping bugs. On the other hand, the relative permanence of tackle selection when you are wading means that you aren't tempted to switch back and forth from one rod to another, which means more time is spent fishing and less screwing around.  Is the choice of a fly rod and poppers the best and most productive? Maybe not, but no way I'm wading back to the car for a casting rod and curly tails once I'm wet.

Anyway, at around 8:45, a couple of guys on stand-up paddleboards (one of whom had his dog on the thing too) floated by and asked me how far to Motts.  They had launched at 1:30 at Ely's Ford, according to the one guy.

That makes roughly 7 hours from Ely's Ford to Motts, with apparently no stops and no fishing.  Too long for a day if you were fishing.

Packed up and left.

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